The New South Wales Selective Test (NST) is an independent examination designed to simulate the conditions, structure and questions of the Selective High Schools Placement Test. The NST provides an opportunity for students to undertake a mock test to prepare them for examination pressures, stresses and competitiveness. Designed and developed by leading experts who have accrued more than 20 years of experience in the education sector, the NST has set the standard for Selective School testing preparation.
The NST aims to provide a professional assessment of student’s knowledge and skills in the subject areas of Reading, Mathematics, General Ability and Writing. To do this, the NST uses a Performance Prediction Model to forecast student’s performances on the Selective High Schools Placement Test, with an average of 90% accuracy.
The NST provides a tailored test report offering an analysis of each individual student’s test scores to suggest subjects and topics in need of improvement. Furthermore, several other variables are shown, such as percentile placement within the cohort and graphical representations. Such factors are considered and then cross-evaluated to produce a prediction of which selective school a student will be accepted into. |